DIH Oltenia's mission is to develop an innovative ecosystem for cross-sectoral collaborations, the main objective of which is to increase the level of digitization by designing, testing and applying new technological solutions in priority fields of activity, both in private business and at the level of public administration.
The objective of the partnership is to boost technological and innovative capacities to support the delivery of products and services in the context of the single European digitalisation market.
Specific objectives:
a) Create a portfolio of digitalization services provided by DIH Oltenia to local public administration and SMEs in the region through:
• Developing support programmes to meet the needs of SMEs and local public authorities in the field of digitalisation.
• Develop a high-tech offer and training programs on digitalisation concepts - through HUB members.
b) Raising awareness of the need to invest in digital skills and providing solutions to this need through digital facilities:
• Organizing regular meetings dedicated to digital transformation. The actors targeted in the foreground are: industrial associations, donors of funds and venture capital, representatives of the public sector and SMEs, business incubators, clusters, chambers of commerce.
• Ensuring the recognition of DIH, both locally and internationally.
c) Ensuring resources for an efficient, timely and quality response, while ensuring the conditions for the proper functioning of management and execution teams.